Healthy Communities ConsuLting
![]() I’m excited to announce that I’ll be available for health coaching starting this next month at Wisdom Traditions (www.awisdomcenter.com). It will only be a few days a month at this point, but will allow me to see patients again in between my other consulting work. My health coaching will focus on wellness and helping people connect the dots in addressing their health from a holistic perspective. You can message me for an appointment through my website: www.drgaryferguson.com. At this point, it will be a cash only business, as I’m not set up to accept medical insurance at Wisdom Traditions. I’m excited to be affiliated with Wisdom Traditions, as they have a wealth of counseling therapies available to address the roots of well-being by treating the trauma underlying much of our mental/emotional/spiritual dis-ease. Wisdom Traditions combines the best of all worlds; an Integrative HealthCare Center that integrates top-notch counseling services with primary care, medication-assisted treatment, and an internationally recognized addiction recovery program. Super jazzed to work alongside Michael DeMolina and his team! ![]() My work as KAANGUX̂ Consulting has been stimulating, rewarding the last few months. The word “Doctor” has its root in the Latin word “Docere” meaning teacher. In this spirit of Docere, I have the honor of facilitating great discussions along with teaching/motivational speaking. This past week I facilitated the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Community Development Association (APICDA) Annual Community Conference. It was a rich dialogue culminating in each community coming up with action plans relating to funding opportunities that will contribute towards community well-being. I'm jazzed to see the outcomes from the dedicated leaders from each community, as there are some awesome plans that will be deployed in the next year! I have passion around addressing the social, economic, cultural and environmental determinants of health. Working with APICDA was a perfect fit, as we address the deeper roots of community wellness through economic development, empowering communities to lead their own change. I see myself as a catalyst in this arena, as we address the levers in helping promote community health. |